
1. RubyGemsの確認

# gem --version
-bash: gem: command not found

2. RubyGemsのダウンロード
RubyForge[ http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=126 ]で最新を確認する。

# cd /tmp/work
# wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/69365/rubygems-1.3.6.tgz
# tar xzvf rubygems-1.3.6.tgz
# cd rubygems-1.3.6

3. RubyGemsのインストール

# ruby setup.rb ← Gemのインストール
RubyGems 1.3.6 installed

=== 1.3.6 / 2010-02-17


http://rubygems.org is now the default source for downloading gems.

You may have sources set via ~/.gemrc, so you should replace
http://gems.rubyforge.org with http://rubygems.org

http://gems.rubyforge.org will continue to work for the forseeable future.

New features:

* `gem` commands
  * Added `gem push` and `gem owner` for interacting with modern/Gemcutter
  * `gem dep` now supports --prerelease.
  * `gem fetch` now supports --prerelease.
  * `gem server` now supports --bind.  Patch #27357 by Bruno Michel.
  * `gem rdoc` no longer overwrites built documentation.  Use --overwrite
   force rebuilding.  Patch #25982 by Akinori MUSHA.
* Captial letters are now allowed in prerelease versions.

Bug fixes:

* Development deps are no longer added to rubygems-update gem so older
  versions can update sucessfully.
* Installer bugs:
  * Prerelease gems can now depend on non-prerelease gems.
  * Development dependencies are ignored unless explicitly needed.  Bug #27608
    by Roger Pack.
* `gem` commands
  * `gem which` now fails if no paths were found.  Adapted patch #27681 by
   Caio Chassot.
  * `gem server` no longer has invalid markup.  Bug #27045 by Eric Young.
  * `gem list` and friends show both prerelease and regular gems when
   --prerelease --all is given
* Gem::Format no longer crashes on empty files.  Bug #27292 by Ian Ragsdale.
* Gem::GemPathSearcher handles nil require_paths. Patch #27334 by Roger Pack.
* Gem::RemoteFetcher no longer copies the file if it is where we want it.
  Patch #27409 by Jakub ????astny.

Deprecation Notices:

* lib/rubygems/timer.rb has been removed.
* Gem::Dependency#version_requirements is deprecated and will be removed on or
  after August 2010.
* Bulk index update is no longer supported.
* Gem::manage_gems was removed in 1.3.3.
* Time::today was removed in 1.3.3.


RubyGems installed the following executables:

4. RubyGemsの動作確認

# gem --version
# gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

Last-modified: 2014-03-11 (火) 01:59:57 (3691d)